"The spirit is life.The mind is the builder. The physical is the result." - Edgar Cayce

Monday, December 27, 2010
The Rebirth of Joy
Why steal your joy away from yourself? Joy is the experience of recognizing the Christ presence within. To claim the Joy back in your life is to recall and proclaim your own rebirth. Behold the God Consciousness and its transforming Glory by renewing the spirit of joy. Your joy is never taken away from you by external circumstances, it is given away by your ego that is adjusting to circumstances. There is no need for such adjustment, just allow and remain in the spirit of joy. People, circumstances, material substances etc.....does not replace or add to what has existed within you since your birth eons ago. Believe in who you are and the creator that created you. Allow your joy to be present during any circumstance (negative or positive, bad or good) that is created for your benefit and your growth. All is joyful, the heart will always confirm it and the mind will at times deny it. There is only love that exist in this world, so don't create or claim mans creation of fear and any other negative fabricated emotions. Joy is the enjoyment of every new day with love for ourselves, others, and our divine plan from our God - Our creator. Each day is a present - literally, and we should rejoice in it through the unleashing of the joy within. Joy is who we are, its in our DNA. Why do you deny yourself? Never be confused of who you are and what you have been Bless with. Why do you deny the joy that is deep rooted in you??...If you are not living in joy, then its time to proclaim your rebirth, and revive the joy that stems within.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Don't Be a Statistic - Profit from Yourself
Why are there weight loss centers in every corner now days? They seem to be popping up everywhere like fast food restaurants. Has the rate of obesity decline since this has happened? No! A report was assembled and presents that there has been a 44.8% to 66% increases in obesity from 1960 – 2010, and still continues to increase day to day. But why still an increase when there are a growing amount of weight loss centers in business to stabilize and decrease the epidemic? It is predicted that 3 out of 4 Americans will be overweight or obese in the year 2020 and per John Hopkins University Journal Obesity predicts a staggering over 85% will be obese or overweight by 2030. Obviously, something is totally wrong with this picture. More food chains go up and obesity clearly increases; more weight loss centers go up, and oddly obesity still increasing. Are these weight loss centers patient-centered or are they profit driven? The egos of greed become evident in a rapid growing market that oozes out profits from desperate individuals wanting to no longer be a statistic, but just seek assistance to lose weight and become healthy.
The weight loss business has become a billion dollar industry, and sadly enough to say businesses and institutions profit from the expectations of increased numbers of poor health conditioned and overweight consumers. One could stand corrected to say these people seeking clinical weight loss services are being regarded more as consumers and not patients. Again, what is wrong with this picture? This is not a bashing of Doctors of any sort, but why are Doctors who receive little or any training in nutrition go into the weight loss business? There are OBGYNs, Chiropractors, Family Physicians, and other medical professionals that have ventured into the weight loss market because of its high demand and profit gains. Some have been a blessing to their community because of this transition or addition to their practice, and unfortunately most have just become a new business to the community thriving on the population’s failures to lose weight and become healthy on their own. Would it be too much to expect your doctor to focus on the underlying causes of your symptoms, which more than likely is linked to or the byproduct of you being overweight? But instead, your doctor gives you a prescription for that particular symptom and suggests that you make an appointment at his/hers weight loss business for your serious weight condition. Has our health been negotiated to dollar amounts by the health care industry?
Hippocrates believed that the human body has an innate capacity for self-healing. We are our own physicians. “Physician, heal thyself” –Jesus. The power to lose weight and get healthy is under our control, but we throw away that power because of misunderstanding our own self worth and value. We steal money from ourselves to increase the value of someone else, by paying them to assist us on losing weight that we had accumulated by ourselves without their assistance. We become prisoners to our own bodies. If you commit the crime, you have to do the time. So if you were the reason of your weight gain, then let’s do the time and become the reason for our weight loss. No pills, no B12 shots, or surgeries will deliver you from being overweight. Start investing in you and your well being, not a billionaire dollar industry. Instead of throwing money away on so called “industry profiting diet pills” and “industry profiting b12 shots” for weight loss, spend your funds on organic whole foods, essential natural supplements, active living, and a purposeful driven life. Dr. Linus Pauling of forty eight PhDs and two unshared Nobel Prizes quoted, “Optimum nutrition is the medicine of tomorrow.” A good thing never came from not working for it, so become your own profit by working for it and investing into yourself. Don't Be a Statistic.
“Many people think they want things, but they don’t really have the strength, the discipline. They are weak. I believe that you get what you want if you want it badly enough.” – Sophia Loren
The weight loss business has become a billion dollar industry, and sadly enough to say businesses and institutions profit from the expectations of increased numbers of poor health conditioned and overweight consumers. One could stand corrected to say these people seeking clinical weight loss services are being regarded more as consumers and not patients. Again, what is wrong with this picture? This is not a bashing of Doctors of any sort, but why are Doctors who receive little or any training in nutrition go into the weight loss business? There are OBGYNs, Chiropractors, Family Physicians, and other medical professionals that have ventured into the weight loss market because of its high demand and profit gains. Some have been a blessing to their community because of this transition or addition to their practice, and unfortunately most have just become a new business to the community thriving on the population’s failures to lose weight and become healthy on their own. Would it be too much to expect your doctor to focus on the underlying causes of your symptoms, which more than likely is linked to or the byproduct of you being overweight? But instead, your doctor gives you a prescription for that particular symptom and suggests that you make an appointment at his/hers weight loss business for your serious weight condition. Has our health been negotiated to dollar amounts by the health care industry?
Hippocrates believed that the human body has an innate capacity for self-healing. We are our own physicians. “Physician, heal thyself” –Jesus. The power to lose weight and get healthy is under our control, but we throw away that power because of misunderstanding our own self worth and value. We steal money from ourselves to increase the value of someone else, by paying them to assist us on losing weight that we had accumulated by ourselves without their assistance. We become prisoners to our own bodies. If you commit the crime, you have to do the time. So if you were the reason of your weight gain, then let’s do the time and become the reason for our weight loss. No pills, no B12 shots, or surgeries will deliver you from being overweight. Start investing in you and your well being, not a billionaire dollar industry. Instead of throwing money away on so called “industry profiting diet pills” and “industry profiting b12 shots” for weight loss, spend your funds on organic whole foods, essential natural supplements, active living, and a purposeful driven life. Dr. Linus Pauling of forty eight PhDs and two unshared Nobel Prizes quoted, “Optimum nutrition is the medicine of tomorrow.” A good thing never came from not working for it, so become your own profit by working for it and investing into yourself. Don't Be a Statistic.
“Many people think they want things, but they don’t really have the strength, the discipline. They are weak. I believe that you get what you want if you want it badly enough.” – Sophia Loren
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
F.R.E.E - Forever Rejoicing Effortless Eternity
What is the meaning of FREE to each and every one of us? The meaning will be defined in many ways for each individual. Forever Rejoicing Effortless Eternity is one way to define the meaning of free. What prevents this definition to hold true to ones self, is the acceptance of the action of resistance. Resistance is created by the ego and formulated into life through the mind and is displayed by their physical illusion we call a reality. "Stop resisting. Let go. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." - Lao Tzu.... STOP! Why create Resistance? Aren't you made of and by God? Aren't you made of this Universe? Then why not allow yourself to be as free as an Eagle, free of disturbances. Free to roam freely in the vast space created for you by the Greatest of ALL, our God. A job is a job, money is money, a house is a house, a car is a car, but you are not just you. You are a being created into perfection by perfection. You have been granted the Free will...the Freedom to create your own reality through the power that resides within you...the power that has ALWAYS resided within you. This power allows you to be as free as you just allow to be. Imagine, if you realized that being free is looking right back at you in the mirror? You have been given the key to seek and learn how to be FREE since God created you into existence.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and small animals that scurry along the ground."
Genesis 1:27 So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:28 Then blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.
From the beginning of time we were granted the gift from our Father God to be FREE. We were made of his image and likeness...STOP, and digest that in your mind. We were made of his (GODs) "imagine and likeness." WOW!! What a gift....we are mini-replicas of God :-). We are FREE to reign over ALL the earth effortlessly, such as the Eagle effortlessly flies freely in the open unlimited vast skies. So the question is why do we confine ourselves to a limited drawn up illusion of a reality for ourselves? God Blessed us...US! And said to be fruitful and govern it. Why wait for another lifetime to carry out and enjoy these Blessings? If it was granted to us to be fruitful and to govern over all things with Love, why do we give the power to our ego to instill hesitation in us? Do we disregard the Blessing that was given to every one of us by the Higher Source or do we accept it and show our acceptance through our walk of Faith.
The amount in your bank account doesn't set you free, the cars you drive, the homes you own, the career you have, DOESN'T free you from the reality of who you are and it surely doesn't Complete you. We are all truly Free among imagination. We must wake up and become AWAKEN and realize we are Free, Unconstrained, unconfined, unrestrained, unchecked, unpreventable, unhindered, unobstructed, unbound, uncontrolled, untrammeled,ungoverned, unchained, unshackled, unfettered, unrestrained, unmuzzled, absolute, unforced, unbiased....We are simply FREE, don't allow the illusion of Life to live for you but allow yourself to Live the true reality of Life, so be FREE.

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and small animals that scurry along the ground."
Genesis 1:27 So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Genesis 1:28 Then blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.
From the beginning of time we were granted the gift from our Father God to be FREE. We were made of his image and likeness...STOP, and digest that in your mind. We were made of his (GODs) "imagine and likeness." WOW!! What a gift....we are mini-replicas of God :-). We are FREE to reign over ALL the earth effortlessly, such as the Eagle effortlessly flies freely in the open unlimited vast skies. So the question is why do we confine ourselves to a limited drawn up illusion of a reality for ourselves? God Blessed us...US! And said to be fruitful and govern it. Why wait for another lifetime to carry out and enjoy these Blessings? If it was granted to us to be fruitful and to govern over all things with Love, why do we give the power to our ego to instill hesitation in us? Do we disregard the Blessing that was given to every one of us by the Higher Source or do we accept it and show our acceptance through our walk of Faith.
The amount in your bank account doesn't set you free, the cars you drive, the homes you own, the career you have, DOESN'T free you from the reality of who you are and it surely doesn't Complete you. We are all truly Free among imagination. We must wake up and become AWAKEN and realize we are Free, Unconstrained, unconfined, unrestrained, unchecked, unpreventable, unhindered, unobstructed, unbound, uncontrolled, untrammeled,ungoverned, unchained, unshackled, unfettered, unrestrained, unmuzzled, absolute, unforced, unbiased....We are simply FREE, don't allow the illusion of Life to live for you but allow yourself to Live the true reality of Life, so be FREE.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Power of the Mind - By His Holiness the Dalai
The source and cause of peace and happiness is the mind.Both positive and negative experiences arise from the mind, depending on whether your mind is transformed or not. Therefore, it is most important to control and discipline the mind. All the fears and the immeasurable suffering that we encounter arise from the mind. The Buddha taught that there is no enemy more powerful than the mind. In all the realms of existence, there is nothing more frightful—nothing more to be feared than the mind. Likewise, he said that the disciplined mind gives rise to all excellent qualities. The source and cause of peace and happiness is the mind. Happiness arises from virtuous practice; sufferings arise from negative practice.
So happiness and suffering depend upon whether your mind is transformed or not. Even in the short term, the more you control and discipline your mind, the happier and more relaxed you will be. Once the mind within is controlled and relaxed, even if the whole universe appears to turn on you like an enemy, you will not feel threatened or unhappy. On the other hand, if you are internally disturbed and agitated, even if the most delicious food is laid out on the table in front of you, you will not enjoy it. You may hear pleasant things, but they will bring you no joy. So, depending on whether your mind is disciplined or not, you will experience happiness or suffering.
Once you transform your mind so that you have no possessiveness and no craving, you will achieve the perfection of giving. The perfection of giving means that you offer everything that you have, as well as the positive results of the offering, to all sentient beings. The practice is entirely dependent on the mind. The perfection of ethics is similar. Achieving the perfection of ethics means that you attain a state of mind that refrains from harming sentient beings in any way at all. It is a state completely free from self-centeredness. The practice of patience is the same. Unruly sentient beings are as infinite as the extent of space. However, once you control your own mind, it is as if you have destroyed all external enemies. If your mind is calm, even though the whole environment is hostile, you will not be disturbed. To protect your feet from thorns, you cannot cover the entire surface of the earth with leather.
So happiness and suffering depend upon whether your mind is transformed or not. Even in the short term, the more you control and discipline your mind, the happier and more relaxed you will be. Once the mind within is controlled and relaxed, even if the whole universe appears to turn on you like an enemy, you will not feel threatened or unhappy. On the other hand, if you are internally disturbed and agitated, even if the most delicious food is laid out on the table in front of you, you will not enjoy it. You may hear pleasant things, but they will bring you no joy. So, depending on whether your mind is disciplined or not, you will experience happiness or suffering.
Once you transform your mind so that you have no possessiveness and no craving, you will achieve the perfection of giving. The perfection of giving means that you offer everything that you have, as well as the positive results of the offering, to all sentient beings. The practice is entirely dependent on the mind. The perfection of ethics is similar. Achieving the perfection of ethics means that you attain a state of mind that refrains from harming sentient beings in any way at all. It is a state completely free from self-centeredness. The practice of patience is the same. Unruly sentient beings are as infinite as the extent of space. However, once you control your own mind, it is as if you have destroyed all external enemies. If your mind is calm, even though the whole environment is hostile, you will not be disturbed. To protect your feet from thorns, you cannot cover the entire surface of the earth with leather.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Shifting Health
Do we no longer eat according to who we are? Our health and well-being have taken a back seat to our materialistic values. We have lost our connections to who we truly are, and due to that we have fallen victim to unfortunate circumstances of dis-ease. We are no longer functioning according to our unique true existence. These negative acquired human habits we take upon ourselves are altering our bodies chemistry and taken the body, mind, and spirit off alignment. Eating according to your unique type goes beyond what you physically can see. It must go deeper into fully knowing one selves. We nourish our body to maintain and restore our eternal and physical being. We are so unique and indigenous people that we are even broken down into different dosha, metabolic type, blood type, etc..Have we taken time to appreciate who we are to understand how to heal ourselves and maintain a perfect alignment of body, mind, and spirit. Allow your whole You to connect as One to stay in the proper state of optimal balance. Healing our selves in all levels is effortless if we hold the key to understanding ourselves beyond the materialistic values and the naked eye. Our health should not continuously be shifting out of balance. Balance is key in all areas of our lives. True balance comes within ourselves. Doesn't matter what foods you may eat, healthy or not, if you are off balance mentally, emotionally, spiritually your physical health will continue to shift continuously towards dis-ease.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Intensity Factor: What's your attitude and approach to getting fit and healthy?
Have you ever noticed people in the gym that are consistent but you never see any changes in their body? Better yet, have you ever seen people working with a personal trainer month after month only to look the same? I give kudos to people who hit the gym for health benefits. Not everyone is going for the physique of a bodybuilder or fitness model. But if you’re looking for an extreme body transformation, whether it be to gain muscle mass or rip up, just showing up and going through the motions isn’t going to cut it. You need to go all out; you need the intensity factor.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a competitive bodybuilder, athlete, or just someone who wants to pack on more muscle, this first and foremost must become a lifestyle and secondly, you have to develop a love for it. You have to be border line obsessed with it. You need to develop the drive and determination. And if you already have it, you know as well as I do that you don’t have it every single day. Yet you still have to somehow zone in on your goal and push through, and there are ways you can achieve this intensity every workout.
First, you have to have a ‘why.’ Why are you doing this? What are your goals and what do you expect to accomplish? If you put a lot of time and effort into something, you expect to get something in return, even if it’s just personal fulfillment. Some people become comfortable where they’re at, even if it’s a low standard in life. But not you, hence you’ve made it this far in this article. You may be tired of being overweight or tired of being skinny and picked on, or you may be in decent shape already but you want to be better because it defines a tremendous part of who you are. Many people do this because it allows them to have a greater impact on others. Figure out your ‘why’ and hone in on that. This needs to become your focal point and will ramp up your level of intensity.
There are also some practical ways to increase intensity, but let me reiterate that you must discover the reason why you’re doing this first. This goes without saying, but a healthy diet with plenty of quality protein and proper rest are a must. Without that, you’ll be dragging yourself to the gym and will more than likely tear your body down more than you’ll build it up. Some type of pre workout supplement is a good idea as well. These can help with focus and allow you to pump out a few more reps than you normally would. Add that to your ‘why’ and that will give you the formula for success.
Intensity will certainly produce results. Train hard, and train all out
It doesn’t matter if you’re a competitive bodybuilder, athlete, or just someone who wants to pack on more muscle, this first and foremost must become a lifestyle and secondly, you have to develop a love for it. You have to be border line obsessed with it. You need to develop the drive and determination. And if you already have it, you know as well as I do that you don’t have it every single day. Yet you still have to somehow zone in on your goal and push through, and there are ways you can achieve this intensity every workout.
First, you have to have a ‘why.’ Why are you doing this? What are your goals and what do you expect to accomplish? If you put a lot of time and effort into something, you expect to get something in return, even if it’s just personal fulfillment. Some people become comfortable where they’re at, even if it’s a low standard in life. But not you, hence you’ve made it this far in this article. You may be tired of being overweight or tired of being skinny and picked on, or you may be in decent shape already but you want to be better because it defines a tremendous part of who you are. Many people do this because it allows them to have a greater impact on others. Figure out your ‘why’ and hone in on that. This needs to become your focal point and will ramp up your level of intensity.
There are also some practical ways to increase intensity, but let me reiterate that you must discover the reason why you’re doing this first. This goes without saying, but a healthy diet with plenty of quality protein and proper rest are a must. Without that, you’ll be dragging yourself to the gym and will more than likely tear your body down more than you’ll build it up. Some type of pre workout supplement is a good idea as well. These can help with focus and allow you to pump out a few more reps than you normally would. Add that to your ‘why’ and that will give you the formula for success.
Intensity will certainly produce results. Train hard, and train all out
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Power Within
The power within you starts with you and ends with you. To begin a life changing transformation to become healthy and fit can’t happen unless you are mentally and spiritually focused on that change your vision. Your physical actions are the results of the spiritual and mental involvement. Fooling oneself that they are ready for the task is only going to cause one to slip deeper into the valley of failure, instead of progressing from peak to peak of the hilltops of success. To take on the assignments to get fit and healthy is a challenge in its own right, but to approach it without your game face on makes it another challenge all by itself. One has to turn to the power within and accept the truth that permits one to fulfill the achievable goals. The truth is that we can’t unleash the potential within if we don’t completely devote and are in belief of that goal that is pictured in our mind of being a healthy and fit being. We are greater than any challenges we encounter and more powerful from the inside out. To be healthy we must also understand and believe in the benefits of exercising, the essential necessity of eating healthy foods, the importance of repressing stressors, and the most important of them all, the benefit of truly loving ourselves. The value of an exercise and nutrition plan to help transform you into a healthier being is worthless if you try to follow it with no value in yourself. To love one-self is the first step to losing weight, getting healthy and staying fit forever. The manual to the first step of losing weight is found within.
The illusion of weight loss comes in the form of yo-yo diets, magic pills, fat loss for dummy books, and a plethora of gimmicks that magnets people to their demise. To save oneself from these tragic occurrences, one has to ignore the fantasy of quick fixes and accept the reality of self-accomplishments through perseverance, dedication, and the will to believe. Again folks, it’s all about the power within. How much do you value yourself to be a healthy beautiful person? What is the level of your self-worth? What will it take to understand you can accomplish all from the power within? No external force can assist you to meet the goals of losing weight and getting healthy if your mental and spiritual strength are too weak to move past the barriers of fear. The fear to fail, the fear to not believe in what can truly be, the fear that traps you in an illusion you call life. Allow the power within to prepare you for the possible mission of achieving optimal health.
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